Researching the cures


Media information

Contact details for media enquiries:

Jo Kelly or Abigail Chard
Campus PR
Tel: 0113 258 9880
Out of hours: 07980 267756
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]

What we can offer

We can help journalists looking for information on pancreatic cancer and research, events and fundraising activities.

We can provide:

  • Press releases on PCRF-funded research findings and scientific successes
  • Spokespeople on scientific, clinical and funding issues
  • Access to pancreatic cancer patients and their friends and relatives who are happy to share their story
  • Video  of pancreatic cancer patients and their friends and relatives talking about their experiences
  • Details of fundraising activities and case studies of past fundraising successes
  • Photography (research, patients, friends & relatives, fundraising activities)

Background information

For background information on pancreatic cancer, survival rates and research funding and for more information on PCRF, useful pages include: