The Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund Tissue Bank is an international resource that will help develop new treatments and bring these to patients much faster. It brings together surgeons, pathologists, oncologists, researchers and database experts to co-ordinate a national effort to improve survival for pancreatic cancer patients. It is the first of its kind in the world.
“This may well be the most important development in resourcing UK pancreatic cancer research in a generation”
Professor Nick Lemoine, former Director of Barts Cancer Institute, QMUL
The Tissue Bank is a collaboration between eight UK hospitals that are renowned for their excellence in treating pancreatic cancer patients – and we’re already in discussion with more hospitals about joining us.
Find out more
Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund Tissue Bank: FAQ
For researchers
UK and international researchers are welcome to apply to access samples and /or pseudo-anonymised data from the Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund Tissue Bank (PCRFTB). The sample types stored by PCRFTB include plasma, serum, buffy coats, urine, FPPE tissue and fresh frozen tissue.
Please submit an expression of interest using the link below and our team will be in touch:
Alternatively, for any enquiries, please email the PCRFTB Coordinator at [email protected]